Many fathers feel they are missing out on time with their children. Especially in these times, children need a close bond their father. In the eyes of the court both the father or the mother are essential and irreplaceable in the child's life. When the court has to make a decision for child custody the primary factor is the best interests of the child. This factor itself is composed of many factors. The assessment of these factors and collecting the corroborating evidence, organizing and presenting them to the Court in a way that would be admissible is essential. Finding out what the court considers most important for children is worth discussing with a child custody lawyer at a consultation. The Custody and Visitation Law Group offers free consultations. Filling the right papers with court is important but it is also important to do the things that the court sees as proper parenting. Speaking with a good child custody lawyer can be very beneficial to fathers hoping to spend more time with their child or children. A good child custody lawyer will help you file the right papers but also assist you in doing the things that the court sees as important in making its decisions. The Custody and Visitation Law Group offers free consultations. To schedule a free consultation visit our contact page.